performance management

October 15, 2024

The phrase “annual review time” often evokes a collective sigh from both managers and employees. The thought of condensing a year’s worth of feedback in a single performance review can feel overwhelming. This begs the question: Are annual reviews still relevant in the modern workplace?

As HR Consultants, we firmly believe that performance reviews remain an essential practice. The value of providing formal and documented feedback cannot be overstated. However, performance reviews should not be confined to a one-and-done annual approach. Instead, it should be woven into the fabric of daily interactions between employees and their managers and not saved up for one obligatory annual performance review. Continuous feedback, clear expectations, and timely interactions are critical for driving employee success. Implementing a robust performance management program can significantly enhance manager effectiveness and organizational success.

In fact, a recent McKinsey[1] study reveals that companies focusing on their employees’ performance are 4.2 times more likely to outperform their peers. Their research found that while many employers are in agreement about some performance management practices, such as offering regular feedback outside of the annual performance review, many companies remain unsure how to modernize their performance management system. The study highlights the importance of evolving the traditional annual performance review by incorporating “four basic elements of performance management—goal setting, performance reviews, ongoing development, and rewards,” and mapping these performance management foundational practices into the company’s “overarching strategy.” This modernized framework will allow companies to understand the underlying factors that contribute to an employee’s performance and create a plan for the employee to develop, grow, and contribute to the company’s overall success.

Why Performance Management Matters

Performance management plays a critical role in driving an organization’s success. This ongoing process fosters continuous, clear communication between managers and employees, aligning daily efforts with overall organizational objectives. By focusing on continuous performance management, managers can help employees stay on track and address issues promptly throughout the year, rather than waiting for an annual performance review. Regular feedback not only prepares both the employee and the manager for the annual performance review, but also eliminates surprises during that meeting, thanks to a culture of open communication and continuous improvement. When managers consistently engage in performance management, an environment is created where employees feel valued and are provided with a clear path toward career development, thereby boosting motivation, engagement, and productivity. Ultimately, continuous performance management benefits managers, employees, and the entire organization.

Creating Continuous Performance Management Feedback Loops

In recent years, performance management systems have shifted toward a model of continuous feedback loops rather than relying solely on the traditional, once-a-year performance review. Regular coaching and career development throughout the year enables more meaningful engagement with employees. Providing constructive feedback plays a crucial role in fostering this engagement, creating a culture of open communication and trust. Given ongoing skill shortages, enhancing the skills of existing employees through upskilling or reskilling can often be a much better approach to improving their day-to-day performance than recruiting new talent.

There are several ways to implement ongoing feedback loops — managers might opt for weekly or biweekly one-on-ones or schedule monthly or quarterly reviews with team members. For new hires, we recommend implementing a 30-, 60-, and 90-day check-in before moving to a weekly one-on-one as a highly effective way to provide more relevant feedback and coaching in that critical first 90 days. These check-ins are essential for evaluating an employee’s work performance, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and fostering ongoing development.

Lean on Performance Management Technology

In the modern workplace, performance reviews need to be redesigned to evaluate remote employee performance metrics such as: productivity, appropriate and professional communication, and cross-collaboration. Technology can play a critical role in tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), such as productivity levels and customer satisfaction scores, allowing for data-driven and objective review processes for those remote and hybrid workforces. Performance management software facilitates these processes by enabling real-time tracking and supporting communication between managers and employees. Additionally, performance management tools are becoming increasingly important in modern workplaces, integrating advanced technology to enhance employee engagement and improve business success.

Implementing Performance Management Change

Implementing continuous performance management won’t happen by chance. It’s an organization-wide responsibility, starting from top leadership and trickling down to all departments. Continuous monitoring can help initiate conversations about performance expectations. A culture of open communication is critical to the success of performance management at all levels. When employees clearly understand their goals and have those continuous feedback loops, they are better equipped to meet expectations and adapt to changing priorities, allowing for managers to address specific problems as soon as they occur. Leadership and HR teams must continue to encourage open communication and feedback and ensure that managers are trained to give and receive useful feedback.

The Bottom Line of Performance Management

By pairing regular check-ins with the traditional annual performance review and leveraging technology to support these efforts, companies can create a more engaging and effective performance management process. Performance management process plays a crucial role in organizational performance by providing the tools and methods needed to assess and improve individual employee contribution. By incorporating continuous feedback loops, team members are provided opportunities to adjust their past performance and be better prepared to achieve future milestones and goals.

The bottom line – a thoughtful performance management process directly correlates to more successful employees, fosters employee growth, improves job satisfaction, enhances employee retention, and leads to a positive work environment. Managing performance effectively is essential in achieving these outcomes. Which, all together, equals more successful companies. Wouldn’t you feel more committed to your job if your manager were invested in your development all year long?

If you have any questions regarding this Practice Pointer, please email us.

[1] Lasa, A. N., Pedroni, A., Komm, A., & Lavallée, S. G. (2024, May 15). In the spotlight: Performance Management that puts people first. McKinsey & Company.

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